I'm still recovering from the weekend of events and company. YES, I know it is Friday! Everything is taking 3 times as long these days. We had Mr. H's party here on Saturday and what a great success! The boys from his class are freaking adorable, and we thoroughly enjoyed every minute with them. I kept seeing every little moment as snapshots that we would look back on in 12 years of these men as babies. We have pictures of my brother and his friends as little guys and their round baby faces I knew so well as adults. My mom said "you are going to turn around and these little guys will be here for their prom!" Probably don't have to mention the tears that came along with that conversation!
We handed the boys their little take-out box of legos as they walked in the door. They grabbed them, plopped themselves down on the floor and started making really great cars! I thought they would need some help, but not one of them asked for any help at all. Here are some shots of the race track Marc made.
I had imagined each race would have a winner, who would get a prize, and then we would discuss WHY that car was the winner, and "which tires go faster?", and "why do you think that car won??" yeah, NO. It was so incredibly loud with their screams, and they were jumping up and down and racing each other to get back to the head of the track. It was great! He made the whole track out of scrap pieces we had around, and propped it on a plastic shelving unit from the basement.
Want to see the pictures of my awesome lego cake with fondant icing?? Yeah, I chickened out AGAIN, and ordered cupcakes from my favorite place in town - St. Cupcake (or St. Crackcake, as I like to call them), and OOOOOOh were they delicious. Thank goodness I decided to do that as Baby O. decided to stay up most of the night before, and I was practically delirious by the time the party rolled around anyway.