Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Items

I've been making these little Towel Tags for my family for a while now, and finally decided to share them. With two adults showering every day and 3 little ones taking baths every night, we create a LOT of laundry. Even though we have lots of different colors of towels, it seems impossible for us to remember whose is whose.

These tags allow us to keep our towels separate and use them a couple of days in a row. We save ENERGY as in electricity AND as in MY energy doing so much laundry. We save water cutting down on all those loads. Plus we keep our germs to ourselves.
The tags are great now in all of this flu uproar, because we each have our own hand towels, and everyone knows exactly which one is theirs.

They aren't up on the website yet, but I'm working on that this weekend.


  1. So cute! What a great idea. Will there be more then the three designs shown?

  2. hi! yes, TONS: flowers, roses, a pink elephant... I'll have them all out at the Holiday Soiree tomorrow night:
    and the first 50 people through the door get a fantastic swag bag including a towel tag!

  3. What a great idea, Marne! And they are so, so cute!

  4. Thank you! Now if I could just get them on the website!

  5. I LOVE these, and I need some!! I rant constantly about my family using new towels because they can't keep track of which one they used yesterday.

    Leigh Ann
