Friday, July 1, 2011

A Sad Day...

I've come to a decision that has been bubbling for some time now.  I haven't been posting because I've been trying to figure out WHAT is going to happen with Cat in an Apron.  After many tears and lists and pacing, I've decided to close it down.  I'm working on new things, and I'm going to keep this blog open after all. I still have so many things I see every day that I would like to share.  I'd love it if you would stick around with me and see the new blog and the new direction.

I'm working on a giant sale to finish the rest of our inventory.  I'll have the details VERY soon.  And I'll share the new project I've been working on as well.

Cheers to you all, and thank you so much for supporting Cat in an Apron!


  1. I can't wait to hear, Marne! Cheers to you and cheers to the future!

  2. good for you Marne!!!! one of the hardest things is reminding ourselves to stay focused on what really matters and not wear ourselves too thin - excited to read more out here - glad you're keeping the blog!!!! ;-)

  3. Thanks you guys! You are exactly right Dalon. It is absolutely time to move on. And I can't WAIT to post about my NEW adventure!
