I've never been one for New Years' Resolutions. I've never understood why anyone would wait for ONE time of year to make changes in their lives. This year, however, it coincides perfectly with what is going on with us. There's been a natural break in our schedules and it is a perfect time to start. There are SO many reasons this is so important to our family: we need to save money, we need to eat healthier, I need to get my head on straight. That last one is the biggie - the last thing I need right now is to try to figure out what to feed everyone at the last minute. This is when I give up and tell my husband to bring something home for dinner!
This is a before shot of just a tiny bit of my recipe books piled high with little corners bent over on the pages of yummy recipes I'd like to try. Let's just say I haven't opened one of them since I bent the little page over!
I sat down and ripped out every recipe I think would work for us, put them in plastic sheet protectors,
and made a binder for all of our family meals. I can take them out and move them around by the week or by dish or by season - anything I want.
It stays in my recipe binder and every Sunday night I'm sitting down to plan out the week's meals. If I can swing it I go grocery shopping for the week on Sunday, so far it has been Monday morning. This will work!!!
I know tons of you plan out your menu's for the week ahead - do you have any great tips to help me!?
One suggestion - rather than shopping on Sunday OR Monday morning, find out when the sales occur at your grocery store and shop then.