Thursday, July 1, 2010

THE Garden - Week Nine.

I came  home from a week away to this:
A giant overflowing garden is in place of the sad little water soaked one I left behind.
We lost the basil, but planted a bigger plant (from Trader Joe's!)  The dill isn't looking very well and is being attacked by the fennel - this is AFTER I hacked at the fennel...  I'm pretty sure I'm trimming it wrong, though, because I just got a giant fennel bulb complete with fronds from our beloved CSA, Sauvie Island Organics, and it looks nothing like ours.  Yes this is my gardening technique: look at the vegetables at the store, look at other people's gardens as I drive by them, and compare them to mine...
That giant tall thing is CORN!  I'm supposed to thin the onions, I think.  And the ONE sad little pea plant that made it through our wet spring is hanging on for dear life.  It even made 3 sweet little pea pods that the kids ate.  I'm going to leave the remaining 3 to dry for seeds.  NONE of our beans made it, so I'm going to plant more today in the graveyard of dead pea plants.
The tiny little guys in the middle of this photo are golden beets that are being over shadowed by zucchini plants.  I thought the zucchini would do more draping over the side than they are, and the golden beets are seriously stunted.


  1. love the beautiful garden :-) something alive and growing makes me smile - the boys love to play in the dirt, so I'm sure a garden would get their attention - ha!! hope you're enjoying some good weather and just being outside!

  2. Oh Dalon, I have NO idea what I'm doing with this garden!! Tomorrow I'm going to "thin" and "prune"!

    We'll see how it goes!
